Sunday, August 21, 2011

Life is like a Box Full of Choices

I remember a saying that my Dad told me once. He said,

 " Choosing a wife is a lot like choosing the right box of cereal to eat.  Some of them are just to bland and don't taste very good but they are really healthy for you, and some are just to sugary, they taste really amazingly great but after a week it  makes you sick."  So what I got form is that you don't want to
get cereal that is just to bland but you also don't want to get to sugary it just doesn't work.  You got to choose something in the middle.  Something that is healthy for you and it still has a good taste, and also something you can stick with for a while, actually once you are married you can't chose any other cereal after you make that commitment.  So it is good to try out other cereals for a while and then make you decision. 
I like my Dads analogue, but I think there are lots of choices that we have to make everyday of are lives, when to wake up, if we are going to take a shower today, if you are going to take the car or ride your bike, and the list goes on and on.  A lot of the choices that I just listed aren't life dependent, but maybe the shower one would be good to do for you stinky people out there : ) But there are lots of choices that can change are lives and it is important to make them.
    So how can we make those really important decisions, well something else I have experience here is that when we ask God for guidance in prayer those decisions come a lot easier.  Also there are two choices that we can make that make all the difference in are lives,  to follow God or to follow Satan.  Which one is going to be better for us in the long run.  Are we going to chose that healthy cereal that is good for us and tastes good, and will make are spirits grow.  Or are we going to chose a cereal that will only be good for the taste and will harm are spiritual growth.
 But how will we know how to make that right choice, how will we know what cereal will be the best for us. Well we must look at every surface of the box and assess it and find the nutritional facts.  Yes the nutritional facts.  God didn't leave us allow to make choices blindly.  He gave us parents to raise us up and teach us about life by there experiences. He gave us the word of ancient Prophets in the scriptures and a modern day living prophet to learn the things we would need to do to increase are spirits and to warn us of the dangers of the spiritual destruction.  He also gave us a Savior, Jesus Christ and he would offer himself living a perfect life, sinless stain free, and make a sacrifice that would make him the Son of God bleed from every pore so that we could cleanse are self's from the stains of a wrong choice, or sin.  now you may wonder how can you make up for a wrong choice or a bad sugary cereal.  Well it is not easy but it is
 possible it is called exercise or repentance.  We will just have to  to exercise that much more to burn off those calories you may be tired but after you will be back on top of your game and perform well. Like wise spiritually we will have to repent or make up for the mistakes that we did and try are best to do so. But I know that even no mater how bad are mistake is or how many bad cereal or choices we eat or make.  We can always turn around  and come back and follow are Savior.  We will learn to follow him a little better we will be more aware of the nutritional facts or give in to that temptation .  All of these choices will give us experience and if we do are best and appear stainless before him after death we will be so grateful that we the choices we made here and did what we needed to do to burn off those extra calories.  Now you maybe wondering is this guy ever going to tell us what his cereal of choice is well my personal favorite that gets me going is WheatiesIt tastes good and I don't feel sluggish after eating it. Well now my fellow readers I am off and remember make choose the right  and your life will improve greatly.       

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